Mozzart is the founder and member of the European Organization for Gaming Law and we’re proud to be a strong advocate of responsible gaming. The European Organization for Gaming Law promote a code of conduct that encourages safe, responsible online gaming. Persons under the age of 18 years are not allowed to bet on the site, as per the Law on Games of Chance specified. The precautions we use is one of a series of checks aimed at preventing persons under 18 years old to bet on the website Mozzart d.o.o. organizes games of chance by means of electronic communication (online games of chance).
Mozzart is the founder and member of the European Organization for Gaming Law and we’re proud to be a strong advocate of responsible gaming. The European Organization for Gaming Law promote a code of conduct that encourages safe, responsible online gaming. Persons under the age of 18 years are not allowed to bet on the site, as per the Law on Games of Chance specified. The precautions we use is one of a series of checks aimed at preventing persons under 18 years old to bet on the website Mozzart d.o.o. organizes games of chance by means of electronic communication (online games of chance).
За да Ви помогнеме да ја персонализирате содржината, да го прилагодите своето искуство, а со тоа да ни помогнете нам да го подобриме квалитетот на нишите услоги, Делта Бет Доо користи сопствени колачи и колачи од трети страни. Пребарувајќи по нашата Web страна прифаќате и ни дозволувате употребување на колачиња во согласност со нашата Политика за колачиња и Политиката за приватност.